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Submetering for New Construction

With over thirty years experience specializing in multifamily utility cost allocation, Invoice America has the experience, the know-how and the best equipment available to submeter water consumption in your apartment complex. For new construction and existing properties, Invoice America is the only name you need to know for water submetering.

Industry Standard Flexible Axis Water Meters

Install using a horizontal or vertical water feed, with a brass or a plastic flow tube, with or without couplings using industry leading Flexible Axis Meters with pulsing heads and integrated frequency-hopping RF signal transmitters.

FAM Water Meters

Cutting Edge Radio Technology

Frequency-hopping, spread spectrum RF (radio frequency) wireless water meter monitors are installed in every apartment. This equipment is used to monitor water consumption in over two million apartments nationwide. Automated nightly data collection is provided using either a dial-up modem or an internet connection.

RF Technology

Reliable Automated Monthly Readings & Billings

Water consumption data is automatically uploaded daily from your property’s onsite data collector to our centrally-located billing facility in Omaha, Nebraska. At the end of each monthly period, a statement that looks like an ordinary utility bill is prepared by Invoice America and mailed directly to apartment residents.

Why Invoice America?
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